Svjetski dan turizma 2022



  • Kastel Morosini-Grimani in Svetvinčent will take you into the Middle Ages in a fun and interactive way! The newly renovated castle now offers 5 floors of varied content adapted for all generations. Taste local products and Istrian wines in the tasting room, see the Ferlin Collection of old weapons that spans the entire castle, have fun in the interactive multimedia exhibition where you will have the opportunity to defend the castle from invasion or even forge your own sword. There is also the inevitable Escape Castle game and the unusual experience of archery, and a walk along the centuries-old walls. Discounted tickets can only be purchased on the spot, and are valid only on Sunday, October 2.

  • Angepasst an Menschen mit Behinderungen: NEIN
  • Bei Regen geöffnet: JA
  • Mit Vorankündigung: NEIN

Content 1:

  • Tour of the castle + archery

  • Dauer:


  • Geplanter Termin:
    Sonntag 02/10

    10h / 11h / 12h / 13h / 14h / 15h / 16h / 17h

  • Preis am Tourismustag:

    Regular price: Tour of the castle + archery / Adults: HRK 100 / Children, pensioners and students: HRK 70 / Children under 7: free Price of content on the occasion of World Tourism Day: Tour of the castle + archery / Adults: HRK 50 / Children, pensioners and students: HRK 35 / Children younger than 7 years: free

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