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Tips for visitors staying in Istria

[January, 2022]

We believe it's not pleasant to find yourself in the situation that instead of the holidays you dreamed of during a long time, your stay in the foreign country is currently being spent in the quarantine due to the coronavirus spread. Time in which we live in is full of challenges that are not pleasant at all and therefore we would like to make your stay in Istria a little bit easier.

Tinjan ulicaAvoid crowds
In order to behave responsible towards yourself and your closest ones, we advise you to avoid crowds and to be at least 1,5 meter distant from other persons.

Take care of your hygiene
In accordance with already brought decisions and measures of the institutions in charge, we remind you that the care about the hygiene is your responsibility - that's why we recommend to wash your hands as frequently as possible with warm water and soap!

Take responsibility
If you notice corona virus symptoms such as high temperature or you were in the contact with someone who is traveling from the high risk territories, please take the following measures immediately:
» Procedure in case of suspected Covid-19 disease

Rovinj poluotok
Get informed!

Since the situation relating to the measures of the international traffic of people is changing constantly, we suggest you read the updates and follow us on social media for any further information.

Be in touch with nature
In this kind of situation is of main importance to keep the peace and believe that everything will be all right, we advise that, if you can, you have a walk and enjoy the sun, the sea and beautiful nature.

We hope we made your stay in Istria a little bit easier, and if you need additional help, at your disposal are contact phone number: +385 (0)52 880088 and e-mail:

» Detailed information for Covid-19
» Overview of current epidemiological measures
» Information about available testing
