Entertainment & Theme parks

Visitor's centre in Barban

The Visitor's centre is located in the centre of Barban and it presents the unique cultural-historical heritage in an interactive way, through education and visual presentation with the main theme „Trka na prstenac“ - Race of the Ring. This race represents the symbol of the town and it's one of the top tourist attractions in Istria.

The ground floor has an attractive entrance The symbols on the door are „Trka na prstenac“ - Race of the Ring. On the first floor, there is a passage that will remind you of the racing track. While visitors are going through the passage, the light and sound signals will turn on, as well as the speedometer which changes depending on the speed and the distance of the finish line with the ring.

There is also a small room where Race of the Ring participants are represented through history as well as the exhibit of „vitica“ - the ring and spears around it, traditional folk costumes and additional equipment. The circle room evokes the history of Barban and Race of the Ring with homage to the most famous racers through audio and video presentations.

Working hours:
01.01. - 30.06.: by appointment
01.07. - 31.08.: 10:00 - 18:00
01.09. - 31.12.: by appointment

»» To Do in Istria: find out everything about the cultural and historical heritage of Barban and the traditional game called "Trka na prstenac" - the Ring Race; buy your tickets today

TZ Barban & MMC Barban
+385 52 567 420

Visitor's centre in Barban
Visitor's centre in Barban
Visitor's centre in Barban
Visitor's centre in Barban
Visitor's centre in Barban
Visitor's centre in Barban
Visitor's centre in Barban
Visitor's centre in Barban
Visitor's centre in Barban
Visitor's centre in Barban