Exhibition: Sabina Damiani


  • Small Gallery, Narodni trg 1 / Poreč-Parenzo


  • 20.06. - 20.07.24



About the event:

All Waters Belong to Water

Solo Exhibition

Through a residential stay in Val Verzaschi (Switzerland) in 2021 and 2022, an artistic investigation began where the artist walks along the course of the Verzasca River from its source to where it flows into Lake Maggiore.

The journey (approximately 40 km in multiple stages) is documented through paintings, drawings, and videos. Throughout history, civilizations have emerged along watercourses, defining sources of income and providing a spiritual dimension to the communities that inhabited them. This valley has been affected by emigration, the abandonment of traditional stone houses, the increase in tourism, but fortunately also by the return of many emigrants to their ancestral lands and systematic (though slow) restoration. This pattern can be found in many other mountainous and rural areas, and studying these similarities is extremely interesting to understand how cyclical changes occur and how seemingly different communities actually have much in common.

Nature knows no bounds, but humans alter natural courses to suit their needs and ideas. In nature, everything is interconnected, everything flows, and ultimately, we humans are part of this same nature and therefore interconnected. The water that springs forth and becomes a river ends up in the sea, evaporates, and returns as rain to the same watercourses. All water belongs to the same Water.


Sabina Damiani was born in 1985 in Koper. She completed her studies in Art Pedagogy and Didactics at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and a master's in photography at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. In her artistic and research practice, she is interested in the social and geopolitical transformations characteristic of the present time: uncertainty, instability, territorial changes, migrations, the memory of space, and their impact on human identity and our relationship with the spaces we inhabit. She primarily works in photography but also utilizes graphics and installations. In addition to her artistic pursuits, she is involved in design, production, festival and exhibition organization, and education.

Her works have been exhibited in group and solo exhibitions, and she has participated in artistic residencies and festivals (Galerija Remont, Belgrade, KIC Gallery, Zagreb, Brighton Photography Festival, Bristol Photo Festival, Mark Rothko Arts Center Latvia, among others).

For more information, visit www.sabinadamiani.com

Gallery opening hours:
10:00 - 12:00 and 18:00 - 21:00
Closed on Sundays and holidays

Admission is free!
