Goodbye 2023!

Novigrad invites you to end 2023 on a high note, by joining the celebrations starting at noon in front of the town sports hall.

The New Year’s Eve event ‘Goodbye 2023’ ends in the evening, and until then the visitors will be wearing their Christmas hats and having a great time, as well as delicious food and wine. Various local bands will perform on stage, making everyone dance and sing in the company of their loved ones, mingle with friends, fellow citizens and visitors. The food and wine offer will include mulled wine, sausages, ombolo, sauerkraut, a cauldron of mushrooms and Istrian pastries, all at affordable price.

The entertainment starts with the children’s programme, followed by a DJ and live music for everyone. The farewell to 2023 is scheduled for the afternoon when there will be a countdown and fireworks.

