Nadàl in famìa

On the feast of St. Nicholas, a month-long program with a variety of content begins, which will create a warm, family and nostalgic atmosphere on the Grand Pier and present the Rovinj Christmas tradition. This year, we found inspiration in the beautiful oil on canvas "Carousel-Giostra" by Bruno Mascarelli, the great Parisian-Rovinj painter who was an artistic icon of our city and co-founder of the Rovinj City Museum. And while a large reproduction will adorn the facade of the Ecomuseum-Ecomuseo in his honor, a luminous vintage carousel with horses will spin on the Grand Pier, which will delight numerous little ones. There will also be a children's corner, numerous workshops on holiday decorations and sweets, lectures on music and gastronomy, traditional games for children, stories and cartoons in the Rovinj dialect, old-fashioned sweets, a Christmas exhibition and a nativity scene, and, of course, the proximity of the sea, Rovinj songs and fragrant fritules with mulled wine. All this, with the arrival of St. Nicholas with sweet treats, will be waiting for you from December 6th on the magically decorated Grand Pier in front of our Ecomuseum-Ecomuseo, and the very next day a Christmas train will set off on a merry journey from the Gandusio Theater to the Lungomare Plaza promenade, delighting young and old on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.


Ecomuseum-Ekomuseo “Batana”, Carousel, House, Street food truck “Porco rosso”: 10:00 - 13:00 / 17:00 - 21:00 (every day)


Christmas train: 10:00-13:00 / 17:00-20:00 (weekends and holidays). Train ride is free (Valdibora - teatro A. Gandusio, Riva Aldo Rismondo - Zagrebačka banka, rotonda Delfin and return to Valdibora - teatro A. Gandusio)

7.12. Saturday / Saturday
8.12. Sunday / Sunday
14.12. Saturday / Saturday
15.12. Sunday / Sunday
21.12 Saturday / Saturday
22.12. Sunday / Sunday
24.12. Tuesday / Tuesday
25.12. Wednesday / mercoledì
26.12. Thursday / giovedì

All programs except the Children's Corner and the lectures by Sergio Ferrara and Alessio Giuricino will be held on the Grand Pier. In case of bad weather, the programs will be moved to the Ecomuseum-Ecomuseo or canceled.

Just like in the past, traditionally the day before Christmas, don't miss out on another game that the old Rovinj residents used to have fun with before midnight - take part in the traditional game "Tòmbola - Bingo - Tombola"! Each participant will receive a free ticket and will be able to follow the tombola on a large billboard on the facade of the Ecomuseum-Ecomuseo, and sponsors will provide interesting and valuable gifts. The first prize will be in the spirit of Batana's family Christmas, it is a prize from the company Maistra and a weekend at the family-run Hotel Amarin.


“Nadàl in famìa / Božić u obitelji / Natale in famiglia”

Friday, 6.12.2024.

  • 17.00 Opening ceremony with the start of the carousel and St. Nicholas with cakes
  • 18.00 Opening of the exhibition / Apertura della mostra “Nadàl in famìa – Božić u obitelji – Natale in famiglia” with a musical performance by the KUD “Marco Garbin” / CI-ZT “Pino Budicin”

Saturday, 07.12.2024.

  • 10.00 Workshops for children – “Batàna”
  • 18.00 Musical program – “Duo Viècia Ruveîgno”
  • 18.00 Screening of an animated film for children in the Rovinj dialect “El mòndo da Bìbi” – “Bibi's World” – Memory cards

Sunday, 08.12.2024.

  • at 10:00 Workshop – “Li candìle - Candles - Le candele”

Monday - Friday, 09.12.2024. - 13.12.2024

  • 10:00 Workshops for preschool and school children from Rovinj

Friday, 13.12.2024.

  • 17:30 “I ʃuòghi da oûna vuòlta – Old games” with Vukica Palčić, Saint Lucia and cakes

Saturday, 14.12.2024.

  • 10.00 - 13.00 Face painting - Kittyna Škrinjica Blaga
    18.00 Screening of an animated film for children in the Rovinj dialect "El mòndo da Bìbi" - "Bibi's World" - (3,4), Stuòrie: "El garnièl da fàva", "La piànta da Ruveîgno", "Ma cumàre Bunìta"

Sunday, 15.12.2024.

  • 10.00 Musical program - Luciano Dandolo

Friday, 20.12.2024.

  • 17.00 Workshop: "Li giarlànde / Wreaths"
  • 17.30 "I ʃuòghi da oûna vuòlta - Old games" with Vukica Palčić with a musical performance by Mini, Midi e Solisti - Italian Association "Pino Budicin"

Saturday, 21.12.2024.

  • 17.30 Musical program Bitinadùri SAC-KUD “Marco Garbin” –ZT “Pino Budicin”
  • 18.00 Screening of the animated film for children in the Rovinj dialect “El mòndo da Bìbi” – “Bibi's World” (1,2) Stuòrie: “La pulènta”, “La mùsca ribùsca”, “L’astoûsia da Nàne Scaluògna”

Sunday, 22.12.2024.

  • 10.00 - 13.00 Face painting - Kittyna Škrinjica Blaga with the musical program “Trio Viècia Ruveîgno”
  • 17.00 Workshop – “Freîtule”

Tuesday, 24.12.2024.

  • 10.00 Marènda da la Viʃeîlia - Christmas Eve Brunch
  • 17.30 Traditional game “Tòmbola - Bingo - Tombola” with musical performance by “Le Nuove quattro colonne”

Wednesday, 25.12.2024

  • 10.00 “Bòn Nadàl - Merry Christmas” - panettone and pandoro for everyone! With musical performance by “Trio Viècia Ruveîgno”
    Thursday, 26.12.2024
  • 17.30 Lecture - Conference: “C’oûn cànto pièn da ligrìsa” - Rovinj Christmas carols - Armonies natalizie rovignesi, Alessio Giuricin with musical performance / With the participation of SAC-KUD “Marco Garbin” – CI-ZT “Pino Budicin” and/or "Le Nuove quattro colonne”

Friday, 27.12.2024.

  • 10.00 Workshop: “Sachìte da pàno par bascòti - Cloth bags for biscuits”
  • 17.30 Music program Luciano Dandolo

Saturday, 28.12.2024.

  • 17.00 Workshop: “Biscotti - Biscuits”
  • 17.30 Music program: “Trio Viècia Ruveîgno”
  • 18.00 Screening of an animated film for children in the Rovinj dialect “El mòndo da Bìbi” - “Bibi's world” – (3,4) - Memory cards

Sunday, 29.12.2024

  • 17.00 Lecture “El bon bucòn da Nadàl” - Rovinj Christmas recipes
  • 18.00 Musical program Bitinadùri KUD “Marco Garbin” -ZT “Pino Budicin”

Tuesday, 31.12.2024.

  • 10.00 Marènda dal'oûltimo da l'ano – End-of-year brunch and musical program “SAC/KUD Marco Garbin” - CI-ZT “Pino Budicin”

Wednesday, 01.01.2025

  • 10.00 Breîndiʃi da'l preîmo da l'ano - Toast for a good start of the year and musical program: “Duo brass”

Friday, 03.01.2025

  • 17.00 Workshop “Li càlse da la Bafàna - Befana's stockings”
  • 17.30 Music program “Le Nuove Quattro Colonne”

Saturday, 04.01.2025

  • 10.00 Workshop “Freîtule” and/or Face painting - Kittyna Škrinjica Blaga
  • 17.30 “I ʃuòghi da oûna vuòlta – Stare igre - ” with Vukica Palčić

Sunday, 05.01.2025

  • 17.30 Music program “Duo Viècia Ruveîgno”

Monday, 06.01.2025

  • 11.00 Music program “SAC/KUD Marco Garbin”
  • Closing of the program


About the event:

Institution and Association "Kuća o batani - Casa della batana" offers a rich holiday program


  • Ekomuzej - Ecomuseo Kuća o batani - Casa della batana / Rovinj-Rovigno

  • Veliki mol


  • 06.12. - 06.01.25


  • 10:00 - 13:00 i 17:00 - 21:00


