Cultural sights

Castle – Fortification

The Funtana castle is a protected cultural monument. Bernardo Borisi had it built "four miles away from Poreč and two from Vrsar" in the 1610, as engraved in Latin language on the doorway of the castle: "In Thee Lord I trust." In the 1610 the noble Bemardo Borisi from a famous Duklean and Bar family Borisi had it constructed. It is a castle-fortification of renaissance characteristics, rebuilt in baroque when additional windows were opened. The castle was the first building in Funtana and then the village grew around it. Some historians like to mention the possibility of an earlier, late medieval architecture on the spot where the castle was built. The interior of the castle is not open to visitors.



Grimani-Morosini Castle


Stone Collection of the Lapidarium Museum


Castle of Pietrapelosa


House of frescos

Central Istria