
Discovery dive

You must have been intrigued by this mystical underwater world in your childhood having listened to a well known fairy tale of the Little Mermaid. Although she might not be real, sea depths inspire our wish for an adventure as well as new knowledge. However, as a descent into Istrian sea depths require knowledge and skills, your safe start should begin with a discovery dive.

The discovery dive starts with a theoretical lecture on the basics of breathing and underwater stay, getting to know diving equipment and the diving method. This is followed by that exciting part, the diving itself, always in the company of an instructor or a dive guide.

As a course student, the entire diving equipment will be put at your disposal. After the dive, you will be taught how to disassemble, clean and prepare the equipment for the next dive. The discovery dive course is 2 (two) hours long. Apart from the analysis of the conducted dive, instructors will inform you of the beginner's course terms and conditions.

All those older than 10, eager for new experience and to learn about magnificent Istrian undersea world can apply for a discovery dive.

Diving centre Starfish

MZ Diving Centre


Diving centre Shark


Diving centre Meduza


Orca diving center
