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Istria named best olive oil region in the world according to Flos Olei

The Green Peninsula has successfully started the tourist year by being declared the best olive-growing region in the world, the fourth time in the winning series. This is a great success for the region where olive oil is produced for more than two thousand years. Olive oils are year-roundly better and the number of Istrian producers in the world's only guide to extra virgin olive oil, Flos Olei, is growing.

In addition to the outstanding grades of EDMU, in its tenth anniversary, Istria celebrated another significant award in the category of TOP 20 best oils in the world. It is about the lead company Oleum Maris, which has been declared the best "take-off company" in the world. In the so-called "Bible" of extra virgin olive oils, 79 oils from Istria were listed, four more than last year, and almost all of them achieved better results, which is proof that quality work is felt and rewarded.

Flos Olei 2019 is a complete and transparent information media, useful for enthusiasts and neophytes of all generations, but also for experts, i.e. manufacturers, importers, distributors, technicians etc. It offers an insight into the results of a thorough tasting by presenting olive growing from 52 countries on five continents, with each of the 500 described oil producers having a separate profile card of their farm and a description of the oil presented.

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