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Vote for Istria in the New Lonely Planet Selection

We believe you miss travel, but we also believe that we will soon be packing our suitcases again and moving towards new adventures. However, until then, we travel virtually, choose new destinations and browse photos from our favourite places where we found some special places - blue bays to enjoy the sun, romantic lungomare for a walk at dusk, an attractive bike path, an unforgettable landscape for the new selfie…

So if Istria is your favourite "place under the sun" we invite you to add your vote to Istria in the
new selection of Lonely Planet - Vote for Readers' Choice!

This prestigious guide has just published the list of the most popular destinations to which, same as last year, it added the category for the favourite destination of readers - Best in Travel Readers' Choice. Everyone can vote until the end of this month and the list of favourites will be published in January!

Istria won its place in Lonely Planet for the first time on the list of the 10 most interesting regions in the world for 2011, and in the selection for 2019 it entered the list of the 10 best destinations in Europe.

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