Visit Ližnjan - Nezakcij - Šišan

Explore Ližnjan, Šišan and Nesactium with free expert guided tours in English, Italian and Croatian.

On Tuesdays: Visit Ližnjan
Meeting point: in front of the Tourist Office
A walk through Ližnjan starts every Tuesday at 8PM. You will find out all the interesting details about the Church of Our Lady of Mercy, built in 1704, and learn about the history of Ližnjan and what Munat means for the people of Ližnjan. You will discover the location of the first Croatian reading room in Ližnjan, followed by a tour of the Parish Church of St. Martin.

On Wednesdays: Visit Nezakcij
Meeting point: Nezakcij-Nesactium Archaeological Site
On Wednesays at 7PM, you will go for a prehistoric walk to the seat of the Histri. A walk through the history of the site with the help of preserved remains of a prehistoric, Roman and Late Antiquity town. Get to know the Histri culture and find out where the terrible battle of 177 BC took place, described by the Roman chronicler Titus Livius.

On Thursdays: Visit Šišan
Meeting point: in the centre of the village 
The meeting point is in the centre of the village at the square at 8PM, where you will find out what Šišan looked like in the past, you will hear some interesting legends and then visit the Parish Church of St. Felix and Fortunato and the Church of St. Trinity, a true hidden gem.
