Sports and Outdoor

Top 5 Undiscovered Trails of Istria

Love hiking, running, nature, adventure? Then you’re in the right place because we have five recommendations for spending an interesting day outdoors and letting yourself be captivated by all that Istria has to offer.

1550486971_1875 1. The Sunny Coast of Count Hüterott
Rovinj is known as “the postcard town” where, among other things, you can explore the sunny coast of Count Hüterott. It will not let you down, but quite the contrary.

Although it is quite challenging due to its length (30 km), this trail offers breath-taking vistas - leading from the old town centre of Rovinj in the direction of Rovinjsko Selo, passing alongside the Church of St. Thomas from the 8th/9th century and numerous stone shelters called kažuni, then turning back to Punta Corrente, which was declared a park forest in 1961.

dinneridi trail2. Dinneridi Trail
Another challenging trail (35 km) is located in Svetvinčenat and it will intrigue you with its riddles. Each riddle solved in the yard of one of the family farms found along the way brings a reward and informs visitors about local products. Interested? Embark on an adventure and solve all the riddles.

3. The Trail of Seven Waterfalls
If you head out of Buzet, you’re in for quite a surprise. This five-hour walk will seem like it has flown by. The Trail of Seven Waterfalls lures you in with mystery, uniqueness and unspoiled nature... You will definitely want to come back and again experience the relaxing burbling of water. Because there are indeed seven pristine waterfalls that will enchant you.

4. Stjepan Hauser Trail
Why not? Listen to the greatest hits of 2Cellos and get ready for a one-hour walk with lovely views of the Raša Channel, calm coves, the blue sea and green vegetation and the sounds of fishing boats. Who knows - you might even run into Stjepan.

5. The Black Point and Orlić
The Black Point is the most prominent part of the east coast of Istria, with a lighthouse built in 1873. The trail is 10 km long and a part of it passes by the lighthouse, along a rocky shore and an oak forest. But what makes it special and almost surreal is the view of the Kvarner Bay from Orlić, the highest peak, 470 metres above sea level. The village of Skitača tells its own unique story. It has 40 houses, most of which are for rent, and only one permanent inhabitant.

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A guide to a carefree trip with a pet in South Istria
