
Top 5 Facts About the Wine of Istria

The value of a grapevine in Istria was recognized from long ago. The ancient Romans have praised the peninsula's Teran while in the middle age the Muscat wines of Istria were served on the royal tables! Today, the wine is an unavoidable part of the Istrian gastronomy and the way of life in Istria and there are many events dedicated to it.

Wine has one of the leading roles in Istrian gastronomy
It's difficult not to combine the Mediterranean cuisine, one of the healthiest in the world, with red or white wine. Have you ever tried Istrian Malvasia, Teran, Muscat of Momjan or Muscat Rose of Poreč with fish, cheese, meat or desserts?

We're sure you've already tried it and that you have brought one of the wines of Istria back home with you to remember the Istrian wine magic until your next visit to the peninsula.

A glass of Istrian wine can benefit your health
Did you know that wine, especially the red one, can benefit your health? Moderate wine consumption will help you against the signs of aging, it improves your memory, boosts the immune system and has a preventative effect against many diseases. They even say that a glass of white wine might help you lose weight!

Wine as a secret to beauty and an elixir of youth
Not only that wine goes greatly with the food and creates a good atmosphere while you are socializing, but its ingredients can be used as a beauty product and can help you maintain a youthful appearance. We already mentioned that it helps you lose weight, and the baths and face masks will rejuvenate your skin and recover your body.

Find out which wellness hotels offer this rejuvenating treatment.

Istrian specialty that goes well with Istrian Teran
Wine goes well with the delicious food, and it's considered a must at any party or meeting in Istria.

Another specialty of Istria is the preparation of „Istrian supa“ (soup) with Teran, traditional meal with the baked bread, a little bit of pepper, sugar and olive oil in „bukaleta“ (an Istrian pitcher). It is a perfect meal during colder or rainy winter days when friends and family can gather around the fireplace. You can try it in restaurants or in one of the agritourisms in central Istria. Cheers!

Find out more about the wine production in Istria
Have you ever had an opportunity to visit the wine roads of Istria and learn more about wine production? While visiting wine roads, find out more about the interesting details, stories, and experiences of the Istrian winemakers which store high - quality wines in their wine cellars. Take the opportunity and walk around the vineyard where the whole wine story began as you enjoy your glass of wine.

Wine as it Should be: Teran, Malvasia and Muscat

Giacomo Casanova’s Teran: A Romantic Flavour of Adventure

Istrian Wine Stories That Bring Families Together
