Wine makers



Danijel Kraljević belongs to the generation of young, educated winemakers who emerged on the Istrian wine scene at the beginning of this century. The Kraljević family has resided in the Umag area for centuries, and its members have always been engaged in agriculture. In 2006, with the help of his parents Renata and Danilo, Danijel established a modern winery and olive oil mill in the village of Farnažine, between Umag and Plovanija. Recently, he has also added three elegant guest rooms to the estate.

The brand name carries a charming history, blossoming from the beloved expression "cuj", often uttered by his grandfather. His grandfather would fondly say, "Cuj da ti recem" (Listen, let me tell you). Today, the family nurtures nine hectares of vineyards and tends to three hectares of olive trees. In addition to Danijel, his son Evan, a trained oenologist, and his daughter Lara, responsible for marketing and sales, are also involved in the business. They are present on the market with seven wine labels: from the elegant sparkling wine, fresh Malvasia, and its aged variant called Baština, to the elegant Rose and Muscat Špekula. Additionally, there are excellent red blends like Boscolo, made from Teran and Merlot, and the aged Teran, the winery's flagship, for which the grapes come from one of the best Istrian locations for Teran with deep red soil called Bosco Grande.

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